Borderlands 3 launching with Denuvo Anti-Tamper DRM support
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Borderlands 3
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If you’re the sort of person who wants to march with flaming pitchforks towards Epic Games’ HQ, Borderlands 3 has added yet another to its growing list of reasons to give it a swerve. Borderlands 3’s Epic Games Store page has been updated with a tiny new tidbit of information – “Incorporates 3rd-party DRM: Denuvo Anti-Tamper”.
None of this should come as a surprise, of course, with the vast majority of AAA titles seemingly preferring to use Denuvo Anti-Tamper these days. It’s sometimes effective at stopping pirates, it often isn’t, but it just the way it’s done these days in an effort to deter illegitimate downloads.
Borderlands 3 is the latest in a long list of titles which utilise Denuvo. We know there are a number of you who outright refuse to buy any game with Denuvo, although its anti-piracy measures could all change by the time BL3’s Steam launch rolls around.
My favourite bit is how Denuvo is always desperately trying to brand itself as “Anti-Tamper”, rather than DRM, as if there’s any functional difference for the end user. Epic straight up just calls it ‘3rd-party DRM’ though, so that settles that particular conundrum.
Unfortunately for Gearbox, there’s now quite a towering stack of reasons why any one person would choose not to buy Borderlands 3 on PC. We’ve got Denuvo now, the Epic Games Store timed exclusivity, the in-game microtransactions, and Randy Pitchford being, well, Randy Pitchford.
But look, have a brand spanking new trailer to soften the blow.
Borderlands 3 comes to PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One on September 13th, 2019.